Low Voltage Switchboards
and Automation
TOTAL ELECTRIC Co was founded in 1994 with 100% private capital. The main field of activity is manufacturing low voltage electrical distribution equipment and automation.
Over the years, the company has undertaken many challenging projects and accumulated skills, know-how and experience in design and build solutions for electrical switchboards and automation, project management services and related engineering works.
Our objective is to always deliver products and services that exceed our customer’s expectations.
We have a broad portfolio of successfully completed projects across a range of sectors including Residential, Hospitality, Commercial, Industrial, and Healthcare.
We have built our reputation on our client focus and hands-on approach.
We have a strong reputation for our competitive edge and reliable execution of all projects undertaken. This is achieved through our relentless attention to detail and an experienced team.
We have been listed in the top ten Romanian Companies in our field of activity for many years. We would also like to note with professional pride and satisfaction that, at the end of 2019, our company’s performance was formally recognized by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which selected our company in the first place at national and municipal levels.


We continue to invest in modern and sustainable business practices and solutions, management techniques, project engeneering and also in our company infrastucture in order to ensure that we remain at the cutting edge of our activity domain.
At the end of 2019, the year in which our company celebrated 25 years since its establishment, we relocated the business into a new facility at 29 Metalurgiei Boulevard, District 4, Bucharest.
Our headquarters is located on 4200 sqm of land, of which: 1200 sqm are dedicated to production, storage areas and technological flow, 600 sqm for offices, 400 sqm for social utilities, 1200 sqm for parking, truck access and traffic management, and more than 1200 sqm of green space.
The Total Electric Co team, consisting of over 45 employees, of which the majority with over 15 years experience in manufacturing low voltage electrical distribution and automation equipment, has increased its production capacity and operates from a modern and well equipped premises, with the objective of continuing to enhance the quality of our products and solutions and our customer’s satisfaction.
We continue to invest in our team’s training to maintain their skills at the highest professional level in the field. This way we can ensure that our customers benefit from the use of a very skilled and experienced team that provides an extremely professional and competitive approach to all our electrical projects.
Our Quality system is fully integrated into our management process through a comprehensive set of procedures and controls which are documented in accordance with ISO 9001.
With an average of 30 employees in the factory, the company has a production capacity of over 2000 units per year. We have the capacity of simultaneous equipping over 100 separate sections of electrical switchboards in our new production facility.
We offer to our clients sustainable and economical technical solutions of high-performance with equipment of latest generation and maximized reliability in operation.
Most of the equipment supplied is based on specific projects, so that all our solutions are fully adapted to the technical requirements of each project.
Our solutions are applicable in various areas, such as:
• Commercial and residential buildings, educational, governmental or industrial buildings, parking lots, warehouses, etc.
• Hospitals and clinics
• Industry, including the oil industry, cement industry, milling & bakery industry
• Water treatment plants
• Underground and overground railway transportation
• Marine transport
• Other areas not listed above
We integrate in our solutions BMS and HVAC equipment, industrial control with Programmable Logic Controllers including programming software and SCADA visualization dedicated to each application.
Together with the supplied equipment, our clients benefit from the As-Built technical documentation issued with dedicated software which comes to complete the technical or operational projects.


Our Administration and staff are totally committed to the implementation and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management Systems governing our Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Codes of Practice.
These systems are documented and continually reviewed and improved in line with industry best practice.
Our Management System complies with the requirements of ISO 14001 Environmental management system and ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems, and is fully audited and certified.
The health and safety of our employees is our highest priority and we are continuously measuring our environmental footprint to minimize impact.
The design and construction of our new headquarters, production facilities and the outdoor arrangements have been made in the spirit of caring for the environment and creating exceptional working conditions. Our buildings are surrounded by over 1300 square meters of green spaces with lawn, shrubs and trees, flowers and other plants.
We are also very proud of our new outdoor conference and training room, situated on a 1000 square meters lawn, where team-building activities and recreational activities are organized for our staff and business partners.
Main Electrical LV Switchboards
The main purpose of electric switchboards is to supply power to each and every single recipient electrical device.
The low voltage switchboards receive electrical power from one or many power transformers or generators and redirect electricity throughout a number of switched circuits; it is built like a combination of electrical panels on which switches and other power control equipment are mounted.
Our company provides LV electrical Switchboards up to 6000 Amps, custom made to meet the electrical project specifications and to fit within the special room where it will be installed.
These are built with the degree of protection, the short-circuit capacity and the form of separation indicated by the project.
Power can be supplied from the power source with cables or encapsulated busbar; the connection to the encapsulated busbar is made with copper bars directly to the incoming breakers.
In anyBuilding, the main switchboard supply switches electrical power to secondary panels like HVAC Panels, Chiller Panels, Fire Pumps Panels, Tenants Panels, Essential Panels andother type of panels or recipients, or to an encapsulated busbar mounted in the building to supply electric power at secondary local panel trough a tape-off connection.
It canalso be equipped with change over switches for an essential recipient with automatic transfer switches.
The outgoing circuits can be equipped with an energy meter, remote control, emergency shut-down from fire station and communication link to the Building Management System.
In most of the main switchboards provided by us that are being supplied from more than one source and the complexity of switched circuits are high, we install Programable Logical Computers with HMI or synoptic panel for control and visualization of the status of the circuit breakers and of the entire main switchboard to operate the switches automatically and communicate with central BMS.
In addition, our company offers the on-site montage of switchboards assembly, the provision of electrical tests after montage and full technical assistance for commissioning of the equipment installed.

Secondary Electrical Panels

Distribution Switchboards are powered from main switchboards trough cables or connected to tap-off boxes installed on the building encapsulated busbar and ensure the distribution and protection to the connected electrical circuits.
Typically, these have an incoming main circuit breakers or separation switch disconnector, energy meter with communication Modbus, M-Bus or other communication protocol , voltage supply signaling, are built in metal sheet enclosure with front plates to prevent operator’s contact with live electrical parts from inside and can be mounted on the wall or on the floor; IP Rating of enclosure is IP30 or higher .
The Earthing system is, in most of the cases, TN-S , PE and N are separate conductors.
Connections of outgoing cables are fitted with terminal blocks, disposed inside the enclosure, top or bottom, depending on the incoming cables positioning and according to the electrical project specification.
The switchboards distribute electricity to various systems in a building such as: lighting, emergency lighting, panic lighting, sockets, motion and presence sensors, heating, cooling and ventilation systems (HVAC) and defrosting systems.
Distribution circuits contain circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers for earth leakage protection, surge arrester protection devices, modular contactors, signaling relays, impulse relays, time switches, light sensitive switches, auxiliary circuit breakers contacts and relays linked to the BMS.
In addition, these can contain automation controllers for a Building Management System or KNX building automation.
Hospital Isolated Power Panels
Electrical installations in medical locations must be made in accordance with the recommendations of the standard SR CEI 60364-7-710.
The modern solutions applied in the electricity distribution architecture, in the electrical design of the electrical panel, in its physical realization and in the continuous insulation monitoring action for the critical applications in hospitals, satisfy the most demanding requirements in this field for patient safety,medical staff safety and continuity in electricity supply.
We build and provide isolated power panels for operating rooms and pre and post operating rooms as well as for intensive care.
The supply of the electrical panels for medical locations is made single-phase, in two ways and from two distinct sources; the switching time between the two sources is less than 500ms. Switching from normal source to backup is done instantly but returning to normal source is done with a safety timer.
For patient safety and increasing continuity in power supply, a medical IT system is used for all life support equipment.
This system is made by using a single-phase separation transformer for medical use with a maximum power of 10KVA and a permanent insulation control system, together with a local, visual and audible alarm. The system also ensures the protection of medical equipment against possible electrical disturbances. The separation transformer is built in accordance with the standards IEC 60364–7–710 and IEC 61558–2-15.
Monitoring of system parameters and alarms can be done locally in the operating room through the standard solution or on the web page dedicated to the communicating solution.

HVAC Automation Cabinets

The main purpose of HVAC Panels is to control the heating, ventilation and air conditioning in a building; In addition, we manufacture and supply Smoke Exhaust Electrical Panels for smoke evacuation in case of a fire disaster.
The panelsare powered by one or two power supply sources trough automatic transfer switches.
The panels are built in metal sheet floor-standing enclosure with mounting plate: theIP Rating of enclosure is IP44 or higher.
Connections of outgoing cables are fitted with terminal blocks, disposed inside the enclosure, top or bottom depending of incoming cables positioning and according to the electrical project specification.
The panels protect and control in the building: the exhaust fans, pressurization fans, dampers, supply fresh air fans, air handling units AHU, heating pumps, hot water pumps, boiler pumps and other HVAC installation components.
The panels contain circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers for earth leakage protection, surge arrester protection devices, AC motors contactors, motor starters, thermal protection relays, signaling relays, auxiliary circuit breakers contacts and relays linked to the BMS.
Motors are started in direct connection, star-delta connection, two-speed connection or, in most of them, with an AC Drive frequency inverter to control the speed according to external transmitters, sensors and from PLC.
Most of thesekinds of panels include PLC automation devices with HMI automation interface or with PLC communicationto supervisory control and data acquisitions system.
The panels can also contain automation controllers for Building Management Systemsand can be controlled from a Fire Station according to each customized Fire Disaster Scenario.
Motors Control & Automation
Industry Motor Control Cabinets van be built like an assembly or a single floor-standing enclosure with mounting plates to install the control and protection components; Enclosure IP Rating, in most of the case, is IP44 or higher.
The cabinets can be built like MCC Cabinets for start and protect of motors, built in fixed or withdrawable dedicated partition shelves to each motors.
The main purpose of this kind of LV electrical panels is to drive and control the various machinery in a plant, silo or warehouseaccording to the specific technological flow.
It can contain circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers for earth leakage protection, surge arrester protection devices, AC motors contactors, motor starters, thermal protection relays, signaling relays, PLC interface relays auxiliary, smart relays or Programable Logical Computers with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system installed on PC.
Connections of outgoing cables are fitted with terminal blocks, disposed inside the enclosure, top or bottom, depending of incoming cables position and according electrical project.
Motors are started in direct connection, star-delta connection, two-speed connection or with AC Drive frequency inverter or soft starers to control the speed according to external transmitters, sensors and from the PLC.
We build and provide Motor Control Cabinets including PLC programing anddedicated SCADA visualization interfaceson PC, custom made for each application.

Water Treatment Cabinets

These type of cabinets are designed to drive and control the machinery from Water Treatments Plants such as: water pumps, waste water pumps,mud pumps, blowers , mud scrapers, desanders, valves and other specific equipment .
In addition, the Automation Cabinets collect data from various sensors and transmitters installed in the field such as: water level sensors, flow meters, flow sensors and pressure sensors.
These are built inmetal sheet, floor-standing enclosures or wall mounting enclosure with mounting plate;the IP Rating of the enclosure is IP44 or higher.
Connections of outgoing cables are fitted with terminal blocks, disposed inside the enclosure, top or bottom, depending of incoming cables position and according electrical project.
The panels can contain circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers for earth leakage protection, surge arrester protection devices, AC motors contactors, motor starters, thermal protection relays, signaling relays, and PLC interface relays auxiliary, smart relays or Programable Logical Computers with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system installed on PCs.
Motors are started in direct connection, star-delta connection, two-speed connection or, in most of them, with AC Drive frequency inverter to control the speed according external transmitters, sensors and from PLC.
Most of these kinds of panels include PLC automation devices with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system.
We manufacture and provide Water Treatment Cabinets including PLC programing for process control and dedicated SCADA visualization interfaces on PC, custom made for each application.
Automation and Control Cabinets
Cabinets are designed to control the process in waste treatment plants, drive and control the various machinery such as: Chain Conveyors, Belt Conveyors, Ballistic Separators, Shredders, Air Separators and other specific machineries.
Theseare built like an assembly or a single floor-standing enclosure with mounting plate to install control and protection components;enclosure IP Rating is IP 54 or higher.
These panels can contain circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers for earth leakage protection, surge arrester protection devices, AC motors contactors, motor starters, thermal protection relays, signaling relays, PLC interface relays auxiliary, smart relays or Programable Logical Computers with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system installed on PC.
Connections of outgoing cables are fitted with terminal blocks, disposed inside the enclosure, top or bottom, depending on incoming cables positioning and according to the electrical project specification.
Motors are started in direct connection, star-delta connection, two-speed connection or with AC Drive frequency inverter or soft starers to control the speed according external transmitters, sensors and from PLCs.
These types of panels include PLC automation devices with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system.

High Power Variable Speed Drive Cabinets

Cabinets are designed to control the process in waste treatment plants, drive and control the various machinery such as: Chain Conveyors, Belt Conveyors, Ballistic Separators, Shredders, Air Separators and other specific machineries.
Theseare built like an assembly or a single floor-standing enclosure with mounting plate to install control and protection components;enclosure IP Rating is IP 54 or higher.
These panels can contain circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers for earth leakage protection, surge arrester protection devices, AC motors contactors, motor starters, thermal protection relays, signaling relays, PLC interface relays auxiliary, smart relays or Programable Logical Computers with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system installed on PC.
Connections of outgoing cables are fitted with terminal blocks, disposed inside the enclosure, top or bottom, depending on incoming cables positioning and according to the electrical project specification.
Motors are started in direct connection, star-delta connection, two-speed connection or with AC Drive frequency inverter or soft starers to control the speed according external transmitters, sensors and from PLCs.
These types of panels include PLC automation devices with HMI automation interface or with PLC communication to supervisory control and data acquisitions system.
Distribution and Automation Electrical Panels
We also build a wide range of low voltage electrical panels and automation such as:
• Water Pumping Automation Panels
• Water Irrigation Pumping Automation Cabinets
• Power Factor Correction Cabinets
• Internal Service Cabinets for Medium and High voltage Stations
• Cement Industry dedicated Cabinets
• Oil Plants Automation Cabinets
• Milling Industry Automation Cabinets
• Silo Automation Cabinets


EPLAN Electrical Projects

PLC Programming and SCADA Software

Smart Building KNX Programming

Electrical Installations , Wiring and Assembly

On Site Switchboards Assembly

On Site Commissioning
Several Projects

AFI Tech Park 1 & 2
AFI Europe
Bucuresti Romania

Campus 6.2 & 6.3
Skanska Construction
Bucuresti Romania

ONE Cotroceni Park 1
ONE United Properties
Bucuresti Romania

ONE Cotroceni Park 2
ONE United Properties
Bucuresti Romania

Chitila Logistic Hub
GlobalWorth Investments
Chitila Ilfov Romania

Colosseum Mall
Nova Imobiliare
Chitila Ilfov Romania

Centrul Logistic Lidl Fundeni
Cernica/Ilfov Romania

One Mamaia Nord
One United Properties
Mamaia Constanta Romania

One Peninsula
One United Properties
Bucuresti Romania

Yacht Kid Residence
Bucuresti Romania

Spitalul Medicover
Bucuresti Romania

Stejarii Residential Club
Tiriac Imobiliare
Bucuresti Romania

Tandem Office Building
Forte Partners
Bucuresti Romania

WDP Industrial Park
WDP Warehouses De Pauw
Timisoara Romania

CTPark Bucharest North
Bucuresti Romania

U-Center Business Park
Forte Partners
Bucuresti Romania

J8 Office Park
Portland Trust
Bucuresti Romania

AFI Park Mall
AFI Europe
Brasov Romania

Equilibrium 1&2
Skanska Construction
Bucharest Romania

GlobalWorth Campus
GlobalWorth Investments
Bucharest Romania

Campus 6.1
Skanska Construction
Bucharest Romania

Mega Mall
NEPI Rockcastle
Bucharest Romania

Therme Nord
Balotesti Romania

Green Court Bucuresti
Skanska Construction
Bucharest Romania

AFI Towers
AFI Europe
Bucharest Romania

Duna Medical Center
Budapest Hungary

Blue Rose Office Park
Portland Trust
Bucharest Romania

Oregon Park C
Portland Trust
Bucharest Romania

One Herastrau Towers
One United Properties
Bucharest Romania

Dambovita Mall
Prime Kapital
Targoviste Romania

Galati Shoping City
NEPI Rockcastle
Galati Romania

Festival Mall
NEPI Rockcastle
Sibiu Romania

Cinema City
Cinema City Romania
Bucharest Romania
29 Metalurgiei Boulevard 041831 Bucharest Romania
+40 214236818
9-17 Working Days